Acupuncture is a primary tool in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and its benefits have been extensively researched and documented both recently and over the span of 3000 years. It's a safe and thoroughly tested treatment for the relief of pain and pain disorders, preventing disease, and restoring health. After receiving Acupuncture in Calgary you will feel a deep sense of relaxed well-being, and many report an immediate increase in their levels of energy feeling both renewed and revitalized.
At Apple Blossom Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, our qualified, licensed professional acupuncturist Dr. Christianne Parrott uses her knowledge and skills to help you feel better fast.
Acupuncture is effective in many ways, and it can provide:
Deeper breathing
Decreased pain
Improved digestion
Improved sleep
Injury prevention in any sport or activity
Even if you’re currently receiving medical treatment, you can use acupuncture treatment at the same time. Come to Apple Blossom Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine for effective, complete acupuncture treatments for a wide variety of medical conditions.
What types of problems can be treated with Acupuncture and TCM?
Sport's Injuries and Conditioning
Needles are sterile, single use and hair thin.
Chronic and Acute Pain
Low Energy & Fatigue
Stress & Anxiety
Pregnancy & Labour
Enhanced Fertility
Menstrual Problems
Headaches & Migraines
Back Pain
Neck Pain
Shoulder Pain
Hip Pain
Knee Pain
Low Libido
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Constipation or Diarrhea
Quitting Smoking
Weight Loss
Call us or book online today for an appointment or more information about how our acupuncture treatments in Calgary can help you feel better fast.
We Offer Direct Billing for Acupuncture in Calgary through TELUS Health eClaims for the following insurance companies:
Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan
Desjardins Insurance
The Great West Life Assurance Company
Industrial Alliance Financial Group
Johnston Group
Maximum Benefit
Standard Life
Sun Life Financial
And Alberta Blue Cross.
Filiform needles are used to activate acupuncture points specific to each persons' individual presentation.
© Apple Blossom Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
1215 105 Ave SW Calgary, AB | 403-589-1351